Flutter Version Release Note


  • Fixed item edit show all category base custom field


  • NA


  • NA

– android/app/build.gradle
– lib/config/ps_config.dart
– lib/ui/vendor_ui/item/detail/component/info_widgets/title_with_favorite_edit_widget.dart
– pubspec.yaml

– Flutter SDK version – 3.13.6
– Android SDK version – 30.0.3

Admin Panel Version Release Note


  • Fixed for item’s some custom fields duplicate when disable item at Frontend
  • Fixed to show load more data in dropdown (eg: category, subcategory, etc…) of item entry at Frontend
  • Fixed for item security issue in item detail at Frontend
  • Fixed for not allowed to select township if city is not selected in Top Navigation at Frontend
  • Fixed for subcategory subscription for Google login user at Frontend
  • Fixed for showing published items only in all lists & filters at Frontend
  • Fixed to disable own item in item detail at Frontend
  • Fixed for hide/show notification action in User Profile Setting Modal at Frontend
  • Fixed for not allowed to do favourite to own items at Frontend
  • Fixed to show correct notification count in notification icon at Frontend
  • Fixed to hide price input when Item Price Type Setting is No Price at Frontend
  • Fixed to show old images in chat detail at Frontend
  • Fixed to show checked color highlight in subcategory subscription of white mode at Frontend
  • Fixed for requested username of Phone Login at Frontend
  • Fixed for delete button in chat conversation at Frontend
  • Fixed to show show email and show phone checkboxes in profile at Frontend
  • Fixed to show as mandatory indicator at description of push notification entry at Backend
  • Fixed for changing default map configuration issue at Backend
  • Fixed slow moving item report system error at Backend
  • Fixed to show show email and show phone checkboxes in user entry at Frontend
  • Fixed for not allowed to save null value of custom fields in database at Api


  • Improved for Google Play and App Store Image in Footer (of Firefox Browser) at Frontend
  • Improved for Blog list and detail as code refactoring at Frontend
  • Improved to hide Other Info(there is no data for other info) at Item Detail at Frontend
  • Improved to pick location icon and map reset text color brighter at Frontend
  • Improved no data image of Reported Item list at Frontend
  • Improved for verify icon color brighter in Profile at Frontend
  • Improved for WhatsApp number of user with country code in Frontend
  • Improved price limit digit to 11 (eg : can input the price value till 99,999,999,999) at Frontend
  • Improved price format for both space and comma (eg : can show as $ 1,000 or $ 1 000) at Frontend
  • Home Screen UI/UX improvement at Frontend
    • Top Navigation
      • Location Improvement
      • Language Improvement
      • Theme Switch Improvement
    • Menu Improvement
    • Hero Section Improvement
      • Search Improvement
      • Popular Categories Improvement
    • Category Improvement
    • How it works Improvement
    • Post Quota Package Improvement
    • Top Rated Seller Improvement
    • Blogs Improvement
  • Improved to integrate with OpenStreetMap in System Configuration at Backend
  • Improved for Blog CRUD as code refactoring at Backend


  • N.A
– Modules/*
– app/*
– public/images/assets/*
– resources/*
– routes/*
– package.json
– package-lock.json

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