Flutter Version Release Note
Admin Panel Version Release Note
Admin Panel Version Update Guide
Changes Folders and Files
– Modules/*
– resources/js/*
– app/Helpers/PsHelper.php
– app/Exceptions/Handler.php
– routes/web.php
– package.json
– public/images/assets/searchicon.svg
How to Admin Panel Version Update?
- Download the updated files from Codecanyon and unzip them on your local machine.
- Download the existing folders (running project) from your hosting.
- Delete the existing local files that correspond to above changed folders and files.
(expect package.json)
- Copy the new files from the updated version (expect package.json) to your local machine in the corresponding locations where files were deleted in step 3.
- Remove package-lock.json at your local machine folder.
Add the following statments at your package.json . You can compare with our package.json from Codecanyon folder.
“dropzone”: “^6.0.0-beta.2”,“filepond”: “^4.30.4”,“filepond-plugin-file-metadata”: “^1.0.8”,“filepond-plugin-file-poster”: “^2.5.1”,“filepond-plugin-file-rename”: “^1.1.8”,“filepond-plugin-file-validate-type”: “^1.2.8”,“filepond-plugin-image-preview”: “^4.6.11”,“leaflet-control-geocoder”: “^2.4.0”,“vue-filepond”: “^7.0.3”,“vue-upload-multiple-image”: “^1.1.6”,“vue3-openlayers”: “^0.1.75”
7. Run the command npm install.
8. Build the updated version using this commands such as npm run build (make sure whether .env file existed in your local machine before build)
9. Delete the changes folders and files from your hosting. (Includes package.json). Then, delete package-lock.json also.
10. Upload the changes folders and files from your local machine. (Includes package.json). Upload package-lock.json also. Please don’t forget to upload public/images/assets/searchicon.svg manually.
11. Delete public/build folder from your hosting.
12. Upload the public/build folder from your local machine.
13. Run your admin panel in browser.
14. Login to your admin panel and run in browser as adminpanel/update.
15. Do database migration by clicking ‘Install Updates’. (Here, some language strings will be missing because you need to do string migration at next step).
16. Do admin panel language strings migration by importing admin_panel_language_v_1_0_5.zip which included from codecanyon updated files and click ‘Next Step’.
17. Skip the mobile language strings update step by clicking ‘Next Step’.
18. Import your current project.zip file which is exported from PSX Builder.
19. Finally, you can exit from update process and you will directly reach to ‘Table’ page of admin panel.
20. Import project.zip again.
That’s it! Following these steps should ensure a successful update process.
Flutter Additional Changes (29 May)
Admin Panel Additional Changes (29 May)
Admin Panel Additional Version Update Guides
Changes File
– app/Providers/RouteServiceProvider.php
How to Admin Panel Additional Version Update?
- Download the updated files from Codecanyon and unzip them on your local machine.
- Replace the changes file at your source code in your hosting.
That’s all. There is only one file changes and you need to do above 2 steps to update additional version.