Mobile Change Log

1) Added Splash Screen.
2) Added Introduction Sliders.
3) Added users to upload their own wallpapers and earn them points.
4) Added users to edit their own wallpapers from mobile app.
5) Added users to delete their own wallpapers from mobile app.
6) Added user’s uploaded wallpaper list.
7) Added user downloaded wallpaper list.
8) Added App Version no inside Setting.
9) Upgrade number format checking for points.
10) Added notification to notify users if their wallpapers gets approved or reject.
11) Fixed recommended wallpaper slider bug.
12) Fixed search keyword case sensitive bug.
13) Fullscreen Ads for freewallpapers ( Download and Set Wallpaper Action ) with on/off control.
14) Fixed favourite wallpaper load more issue.
15) Fixed claim point fragment null pointer issue.
16) Fixed adapters data binding null pointer issue.
17) Removed mikenpenz dependencies.
18) Using CI Session
19) Change timestamp at table
20) Mass Upload
21) Wallpaper Approval
22) Improve Validation Wallpaper Entry
23) User Upload Point Setting at About

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